Extended opening hours during Ramadan at Stechford Leisure Centre

Apr 05, 2023 | Blog

Here at Stechford Leisure Centre, we are ensuring that our Muslim members can still reach their fitness goals thanks to extended opening hours during Ramadan.

The holy month is an important time of reflection and gratitude for our Muslim members, so we wanted to ensure that there was easy access to gym facilities during this important religious period.

On Wednesdays during Ramadan, members at Stechford Leisure Centre are able to take advantage of a later closing time of midnight.

This means that members will be able to break their fast, spend time with their loved ones, pray and then still be able to come to the gym outside of daylight hours.

We hope that this adjustment to our times will give our members who are fasting the opportunity to keep fit in a comfortable environment. If you have any questions about the extended opening hours, or you require some advice about keeping fit during Ramadan, then please do get in touch and one of the team will be happy to help.

Members should book their gym session in advance via their online account here.